Movie 28: Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids was cute, too—nothing to rave about, but it was entertaining. There were definitely some funny parts.

Movie 27: Hangover II

We decided to take a trip to the drive-in last night, so we got to see two movies for less than the price of one at a regular theater!

Hangover II was good--I wasn't expecting much, but it kept me interested. I'd like to see it again when it comes out on DVD because I think we probably missed a lot of the small details.

Book 24: If I Stay

I chose If I Stay on a whim—I was wandering in Barnes and Noble hoping that something that would catch my eye—and the "Will appeal to fans of Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT" on the cover of this book did the trick.

After reading the book, the only similarity I found was that this book was picked up by Summit Studios and will be directed by Catherine Hardwick, the director of the Twilight movie.

All in all it wasn't bad—but I can't say that I've been raving about it either.

Book 23: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

I'd lent this book to a friend, and when she returned it last weekend I realized that I'd read it since I started my blog and forgotten to post!

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is a novella about a character that is only briefly in the third Twilight book/movie, and describes the events of Eclipse from her point of view.

It was a quick read and I was happy to have more background on the character before I saw the Eclipse last fall.

Book 22: Dead Reckoning

Though the last few books in this series have been a little slow, I can't seem to stop reading them. This is the eleventh book in the series, and I have this feeling that if I stop reading them and get behind, that I'll regret it.

Though the show True Blood is only loosely based on the series anymore, there were parts of this book that I can see coming up in the new season beginning this June. We'll see!


I did it! It's over! I've officially graduated with my Master of Science in Information Design and Communication. The Commencement Exercises were last weekend and I had an absolute blast. Not only did my Grandmother come from Phoenix, and my Aunt from Buffalo, but Breena and Dan came down from North Carolina to celebrate. It was a busy weekend filled with family and amazing friends, and I couldn't have asked for more. Here are some pictures:

I'll be going through photos over the next couple days and will be sure to post more!

Movie 26: Jane Eyre

I was so lucky this year to spend Mother's Day weekend with my wonderful mother, grandmother, and aunt. Sunday afternoon we saw Jane Eyre. It was slow and a bit depressing, but I still liked it and would like to read the book. My mother is a huge fan of the book and was completely disappointed in this adaptation. I may have to see it again once I've read the story.

Movie 25: Fast Five

Fast Five was better than I expected. Those that know me know that I was really into cars when the first Fast and Furious came out. We even had a car show outside the theater and had reserved seating on opening night. I lost interest somewhere after the second movie and hadn't kept up with the series.

I have to say that Fast Five was well made and though a bit long, it held my interest for the most part.

For those of you who jump up and rush out of the theater—stay in your seat through the credits—there's an important scene at the very end!
Copyright 2010