So I did it. I bought a machine. And then I didn't know what to do with it. I scoured the Internet for pattern ideas before realizing that all of the things I like are really small an intricate. So, as the days turned to weeks it wasn't practical to have my beautiful new machine out on the counter top anymore. After a couple months I started to feel really guilty about my new Cadillac just sitting in the closet, so after seeing a photo on Connie's blog, I decided to just jump right in. This is the photo I'm talking about.

Turns out it wasn't as easy as I expected. First, I couldn't find a pattern similar (those that know me know that I need rules and guidelines). Then I searched the entire city of Atlanta (my mom can vouch for this) for cool, non-traditional Christmas fabric.

Overall, I'm thrilled with how this came out. It's nice and substantial, so it will be durable and last a lifetime. I realized that it would make a great Christmas gift for kids, and then started brainstorming how to add names or initials to it. I can't wait to make a few more, and maybe spend the time online looking for more unique fabric.