We arrived in Washington on Saturday afternoon and made our way to the Link Light Rail system, one of the public transportation systems that promised to drop us off just blocks from our hotel in downtown Seattle.
The next morning we got up early and walked around in search of breakfast. Sounds easy, right? Not in the middle of a major city on Sunday at 7 a.m.! We wandered about a mile or so and worked up quite an appetite before stumbling upon what looked like a bar--a short, black, brick building with blacked out windows and neon beer signs all over it--turns out it was a diner! Who knew?! We had a great breakfast before making the trek back toward Pike Place Market to do a little shopping (and of course Derrick needed to see them toss the fish!).
(it was cooling off quickly) and enjoyed a glass of wine while we watched the sun set over the sound. After spending some more time overlooking the city and enjoying the lights we caught the Monorail back to Westlake Center and made our way in for the night.
We'd enjoyed the diner so much the day before (and even during the week our options at that hour were relatively limited), so we took another walk to the diner. Afterwards, we headed back to the waterfront. The first place we explored was a Sculpture Park. It sounded more interesting than it actually was, so after about an hour we hopped on a free bus to Pioneer Square to take a tour of Underground Seattle.

35 minutes until Derrick was due for his medicine (which was conveniently left in the hotel) we started speed walking. It turns out we were just over three miles from our hotel but thankfully we made it in time. There were so many hills—my legs have never burned so badly!
We woke up early Tuesday and walked to Top Pot - one of the most amazing doughnut places that I've ever experienced.
Our first stop was Snoqualmie Falls. It was awesome. There's a really well maintained park area around it and it was a nice stop. We were interested in seeing a bit more of the Seattle area, so we drove back toward the city, checking out Bellevue and the University district. The University of Washington is impressive, we loved that area. We explored the neighborhoods around the University before heading back downtown to catch the ferry to Bainbridge Island.
The ferry ride was as beautiful as I remembered. My advice: take the ferry near sunset. It was freezing but I got some amazing photos.
When we arrived at Bainbridge Island we got going toward Port Angeles right away. We arrived a little later than I'd planned, so we checked in to our hotel and made our way to the waterfront right away for dinner.
We were exhausted from all the walking we did in Seattle, so we slept in a bit and got a slow start.

After Hurricane Ridge and made our way toward Lake Crescent. The drive is beautiful, especially when you get close to the lake and catch glimpses of the emerald water. We stopped at the Lake Crescent Lodge and wandered for a while, enjoying the day. My favorite part of the day was sitting quietly on an adirondack chair at the end of the dock soaking it all in.
We got up nice and early and enjoyed breakfast with Sandy before heading out to Cape Flattery. The gorgeous hike to the northwestern-most tip of the United States was a little tense after reading about bobcat sightings, but we made it.
We hiked back to the car and made our way south toward Forks, stopping for Chinese food when we arrived. After a couple quick stops we drove down to La Push and checked in to our room. The beach at La Push is so gorgeous. We walked for a bit and climbed around the driftwood before deciding to explore some other areas. After the Hurricane Hill hike Derrick wasn't up to another, so we skipped Second Beach and relaxed.
I woke up early on Friday and sat out on the deck overlooking the beach.

When we got back on the road, we saw a sign for Kalaloch Lodge, so we stopped to see what it was like and scout it for our next trip. It was really nice and they had a cool restaurant with a 360 degree view of the beach, so we had lunch there.
From there we drove toward the Hoh Rainforest. Though we didn't have time to do any hiking, we drove into the park and saw the base of the trails before heading further east. Finally, we made it to the Lake Quinault Lodge, one of my favorite memories from my first trip.
Eventually, we got back in the car and made our way to Olympia. Google Maps totally misguided me here--what I thought was a waterfront hotel actually had a partial view of a creek about 2 miles from the waterfront. So, we drove over to where the action was and came across a festival at the harbor. We walked around the tents and scoped out all the vendors while watching another gorgeous sunset over the water.
Unfortunately, Saturday wasn't much more than a travel day. We got up, had breakfast, and made our way back to Seattle to turn in the rental car and head home. All in all, it was a great trip. I can't believe how good I feel when I'm in Washington. I miss it every day that I'm in Atlanta. I can't wait to see if the future holds an opportunity for me to relocate!